Thursday 18 November 2010

Reader Profile

  • Male- 87%
  • Female- 13%
  • Average age - 17
  • Still studying- 97%
  • 90% are passionate about music
  • 98% have an iPod
  • Have bought an average of 200 songs off iTunes
  • 92% do not buy CDs- they find it quicker and easier to download
  • 8 out of 10 readers have bought a song or album advertised in the magazine
  • Readers go to concerts on average once every 2 months- spending an average of £150 on concert tickets in one year
  • The average reader buys Jukebox weekly
  • 90% say they "listen to songs from the 60-70s"
  • 93% say they "could not live without music as it is a part of their life"
  • 78% are in a band
  • Jukebox readers only buy Jukebox music magazine
  • 60% go to the cinema once a month 



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