Friday 19 November 2010

Mission Statement


Mission statement

Griffiths' new project  Jukebox is a magazine which gives the reader an insight into their favourite bands lives and tells the reader things about bands they have always wanted to know and keeps up to date with them and the music industry.
Jukebox will be unique with its language by addressing the reader personally using humour and slang to associate and connect with its target audience. It's uniqueness also comes from it being a magazine of two types of genre mixed together- indie and pop music. Lots of images will be used creatively in layout and content to attract the reader to the articles within.
Jukebox is aimed at the age when people tend to become passionate about music which is between 15 and 25. The readers are dedicated to their favourite bands (indie-pop bands/artists) and like to keep up to date with them. The are innovators and aspire in life by working hard.
Jukebox is a friendly magazine aimed at a specific audience to give them a more in depth view into the indie-pop genre bands and artists. 

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