Wednesday 6 October 2010

School Magazine Front cover- Market research questionnaire

1. What Year group are you in?

·          Year 7
·          Year 8
·          Year 9
·          Year 10
·          Year 11
·          Year 12
·          Year 13

2. What Gender are you?

·          Male
·          Female

3. Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?

·          Henry
·          KHS
·          Schools out!
·          VIII
·          Kings Head
·          Other (please state)

4. Which of the following slogans do you prefer?

·          For the students by the students
·          Saved by the bell
·          Too cool for school
·          Not so St Trinains
·          History is no longer a mystery
·          Happenings in Henry
·          Other (please state)

5. How much would you pay for a school magazine?

·          Less than 50p
·          50p - £1
·          £1 - £2
·          £2 - £3
·          £3 or more

6. Please circle five of the following stories that you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine?

·          Uniform
·          Sporting success
·          Teachers (secrets)
·          Exam success
·          New lifts/buildings
·          Clubs and activities
·          School trips/visits
·          Canteen food
·          Resources
·          Next Drama production
·          Other (please state)

7. Which of the following images would you want to see on the front cover of your schools magazine?

·          School teams/clubs
·          Teachers
·          6th formers
·          Year 7
·          Year 8
·          Year 9
·          Year 10
·          Year 11
·          Year 12
·          Year 13
·          Mixture of years
·          A school band

8. Which of the following colours do you associate with KHS (circle as many as you want)?

·          Red
·          Blue
·          Yellow
·          Gold
·          Black
·          White
·          Other (please state)

9. Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?

·          Parents
·          Teachers
·          Students
·          The public
·          Other (please state)

10. Would you want to buy a school magazine?

·       Yes
·        No (state why)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that you have managed to post your questionnaire by 07/10/10.Your copies will be ready for distribution on 11/11/10.
