Sunday 10 October 2010

Results from questionnaire

     The results from my questionnaire show that the preferred masthead is "KHS" with five votes. The second preferred is "Schools out!" with four votes and finally with just one vote "Kings Head"
     The favourite slogan was "For the students by the students" and the two, second favourites were "Too cool for school" and "Saved by the bell".
     The top four topics that my target market selected (in order of most popular) were, clubs and activities, teachers (secrets), school trips/visits and sporting success.
     For the main image on the front cover of my school magazine the favourite was a mixture of years with seven votes and with three votes school teams/clubs.
     Gold and black were the two most popular colours for the colour scheme for the front cover, both with eight votes each.
     The people I gave the questionnaires out to thought that the magazine should be aimed at mainly students but also some people thought that as well as students it should be aimed at parents and the public.
     Seven people said they would buy a school magazine and the other three said they wouldn't because they think It will be boring, they would want information in it that they don't know about already and they wouldn't want to pay for it.

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