Monday 13 December 2010

Articles that I like

I like this first article because it suits my magzine as the article is about a female soloist. I also like the way the main image and the masthead overlap both pages and are bothe quite large and stand out.

This article has the same colour scheme as my magazine.

Monday 6 December 2010

3rd draft

I have now included my main image which represents an indie-pop artist. I also added a banner line to attract the readers attention and to give them an insight to whats in the magazine.

Subsidairy Images

 Paparazzi type shot of a band member being caught walking somewhere not wanting publicity of his latest decision to leave his band

Thursday 2 December 2010

2nd draft of magazine cover

I have now added the colour scheme from my questionnaire results to the layout and chnaged the fonts and sizes of the words. The masthead is going to be bold red with a thick font so that it stands out although it will be more eye catching if it has a white edge on each letter.

1st rough draft using adobe indesign

This is my first basic layout of my music magazine the gap in the top right corner below the masthead is where the model of my image face will be with with the artists name 'Emma' below it with info about what the article inside is about.

Monday 22 November 2010

Rough draft ideas for music magazine cover

I like this image because he white 'E' stands out and associates with the artists name. It also represents the indie-pop genre because it is quite different. Although I think that it is a bit too girly for my target audience who are almost all boys.

I like this image because it reflects the genre of music im targeting well and the models look is like one of the few girls that would buy my magazine. I think the image will stand out as it is bright image which will attract the target audience.


Sunday 21 November 2010

Photos for magazine front cover

Date and time.
14th November
Image Description
Solo indie-pop artist
Shot location
Bedroom with white sheet for background
white letter 'E', costumes, chair, jewelwery
Plan of shots

Friday 19 November 2010

Mission Statement


Mission statement

Griffiths' new project  Jukebox is a magazine which gives the reader an insight into their favourite bands lives and tells the reader things about bands they have always wanted to know and keeps up to date with them and the music industry.
Jukebox will be unique with its language by addressing the reader personally using humour and slang to associate and connect with its target audience. It's uniqueness also comes from it being a magazine of two types of genre mixed together- indie and pop music. Lots of images will be used creatively in layout and content to attract the reader to the articles within.
Jukebox is aimed at the age when people tend to become passionate about music which is between 15 and 25. The readers are dedicated to their favourite bands (indie-pop bands/artists) and like to keep up to date with them. The are innovators and aspire in life by working hard.
Jukebox is a friendly magazine aimed at a specific audience to give them a more in depth view into the indie-pop genre bands and artists. 

Thursday 18 November 2010

Reader Profile

  • Male- 87%
  • Female- 13%
  • Average age - 17
  • Still studying- 97%
  • 90% are passionate about music
  • 98% have an iPod
  • Have bought an average of 200 songs off iTunes
  • 92% do not buy CDs- they find it quicker and easier to download
  • 8 out of 10 readers have bought a song or album advertised in the magazine
  • Readers go to concerts on average once every 2 months- spending an average of £150 on concert tickets in one year
  • The average reader buys Jukebox weekly
  • 90% say they "listen to songs from the 60-70s"
  • 93% say they "could not live without music as it is a part of their life"
  • 78% are in a band
  • Jukebox readers only buy Jukebox music magazine
  • 60% go to the cinema once a month 



Wednesday 17 November 2010

Music Fan Profile

Student Skater
Age- 15-25

Wears skinny-ish dark jeans, Adidas branded trainers, t-shirt with favourite band name on it which he got from the bands concert and a grey zip up hoodie. Straight hair covering one eye slightly- not much effort gone into his appearance but overall doesn't look scrubby.
In his spare time he goes to concerts, skate park or town. Likes to hang out with his small group of mates watching comedy shows like the Inbetweeners or YouTube videos and having a laugh. Also practices playing the guitar for the band hes in.

Listens to bands like the Klaxons, Muse and The Script on his ipod loud- enough for everyone around him to hear. Prefers indie music with different variations of it including indie-pop but also likes retro pop.

Bedroom is covered with posters of bands he likes, their concert tickets and pictures of him and his friends. It is quite messy but the majority of the floor is still visible.

In education- high school or university and is quite academic is an innovator and aspires but likes his social life and free time as well as studying.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Questionaire results

The favourite masthead was 'Jukebox' with five votes. The most popular slogan was 'Lose yourself in the music' with six votes. When I asked people what would attract you to a music magazine? they responded with things like free items a good main images and masthead, posters, ticket sales and information on gigs.
     Number six results were that they would expect on the cover a masthead, famous artists names, a photo of famous people and information about that issue. The people I asked mainly wanted an image of a boy band on the cover.
     The favourite colours for the colour scheme were black with white and either blue or red. Black with six votes. Number nine votes became equal with five votes for a monthly magazine and five for a weekly. The top four stories that people wanted to be covered were info on concerts/gigs/events, new songs/ albums out, interviews and music reviews.

Friday 12 November 2010

Questionnaire for music magazine

Music magazine

1. What year group are you in?

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Other (please state)

2. What gender are you?


3. Which masthead do you prefer for an indie-pop genre music magazine?

Other (please state)

4. Which slogan do you prefer?

Indie-pop is re-born
Lose yourself in the music
Magnificent music
Fans Focus
Check out this shizz
Other (please state)

5. What would attract you to a music magazine?

6. What would you expect to see on the front cover of a music magazine?

7. What would you want the main image to be of?

Boy band
Girl band
Female solo artist
Male solo artist
Mixed band
Other (please state)

8. What colour scheme would suit an indie-pop magazine (pick one or more)?

Other (please state)

9. Which would you prefer?

A weekly magazine
A monthly magazine

10. What stories would you want to be covered in the magazine?

Artists/band secrets
Info on concerts/gigs/events
Music reviews
New songs/ albums out
Reader profiles
Backstage info
Other (please state)

Magazine covers I like

 I Like this front cover because I think the image is good as it is the right size for the magazine and the masthead is a nice font, colour and size.

I also like this cover because the colours go well together and theres not loads of information swaping the main image.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Magazine Research

From looking at current magazine front covers I have learnt that the main image is purposely overpowered the masthead because the image is more important and regular buyer/fans can tell which magazine it is by the magazine layout and colour scheme which magazine it is even is just two letters are shown.

I also found out that music magazines each have an individual colour scheme which represents their magazine so colour on a magazine is important.

On all of the magzines which I looked at each one had the name of the band/ artist who was the main image in big bold writing next to or on the main image to highlight that they are the main focus in this weeks/months magazine.

I noticed that there wern't many subsidairy images and the sell lines etc. were all around the edge of the front cover so that they didnt obstruct the main image.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Evaluation of front cover

 I used the masthead “KHS” because it was the most popular magazine name from doing my market research questionnaire, also I thought that I would stick to a basic, short name which grasps the attention of the buyer and instantly tells them what the magazine is about and where it’s from. The connotation of the masthead is that pupils at King Henry VIII School call it “KHS” for short, so it appeals to them because they can relate to and understand what is said quicker. Again I used the results from my questionnaire to pick my colour scheme for the masthead which were gold and black which I think contrast well against each other. I think that these are appropriate colours because they associate well with the new school uniform and also link in with the school buildings yellow/ gold shades of the school doors. I feel that the masthead is a sufficient and reasonable size as it is big enough to stand out which will attract the target audience and is not too small that it becomes pointless. The font interests the younger generation (the pupils) as it is fun, bold and bright.
  My main image is of four 6th formers (two boys and two girls) walking out of the well known yellow school reception doors with their school bags talking to each other and smiling. It is a long shot of them so that you can see that they are walking out of the building. I think that this image works for the magazine because we can see that they are 6th formers because of their clothing and it’s not an extreme long shot so that we can’t see their facial expressions. I didn’t want it to be a close up of them because it would be difficult to fit four people in and also the subsidiary images would have covered up some of their face. I think that the image doesn’t fully tell us the main story but gives a hint in that it’s something to do with 6th former which makes the target audience want to find out more about it.
 There are four subsidiary images on the cover the two at the bottom of the page are wide shots because it was easier to make them larger without covering up the faces on the main image. The two at the top are both medium shots which I’ve made quite narrow so that they don’t interfere too much with the main image. I think that they are a good size because they are big enough to see what the image is even from a distance but not too big that they cover up too much of the main image. The subsidiary images have been put quite symmetrical on the page so that they are not all bunched together. Like the main image I don’t think that the subsidiary images give a fully clear indication of what the story is about but again this encourages the reader to read the captions next to them and then want to read more about it.
 I have used six strap lines on the cover, one for each of the images which each tell the target audience what to expect inside the magazine. Four of the image captions are informative while the other two I think are more entertaining and would probably appeal more to the younger pupils. I have used a question for one of my captions “How are your school sandwiches really made?” which I think would be the story my target audience will most likely want to read. My slogan uses alliteration “Happenings in Henry”.
  I think that all the spelling and punctuation is accurate, a few comers might have needed to been added though. My four subsidiary images all have the same font which is quite clear so it’s easy to read. The slogan is in a different font which is slanted and joined up which might be more difficult to read. The main image strap line is also in a different font and all in capitals so that it stands out because it’s the most important images strap line. All the sell/strap lines are in white so that they stand out from the different coloured background. The slogan is in the same colour as the mast head because it links with he masthead more and follows the colour scheme that contrasts well.
I feel that the layout of the page is quite simple and organized because it’s symmetrical and doesn’t have too many images or strap lines all over the main image. I think that the front page is appealing to the reader especially the pupils because it doesn’t look too complicated and make you think you’re going to have to read loads because its mainly images. I think it is recognisable as King Henry VIII school magazine because of the masthead stating the school name and also the images will make anyone aware that this is “KHS’s” school magazine e.g. everyone knows Mr. Nelmes  and they will recognize the image of the school uniform.
I would say that my masthead was successful because of the colour scheme going well together, the name itself because it’s simple and short and also the size and font makes it stand out. I think that my images were pretty successful because they show quite a wide variety of different people doing different things at KHS .e.g.  Year 7 playing hockey, Mr Nelmes working and a 6th former buying food. I quite like the layout because it’s easy to read and fun which appeals to the pupils.
I think I could improve my sell lines more by making them more appealing to different types of people. I also think that they could stand out a bit more and give more information as to what the story inside is about. Finally I feel that my slogan could have a clearer size and font so that it stands out a bit more.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Photo shoot planning

Shoot date and time
       13/10/10  9:30am

Image Description

Girls playing hockey 
Shoot Location

KHS astro turf 
Model / person contact Details
        Year 7 P

Permission Details

     Letter was given to pupils for permission to take photos at start of year

               Hockey equipment

Plan of shots

Action shots 
  • Running
  • Running with hockey stick and ball
  • Swinging hockey stick
  • Tackling
  • Defending