Saturday 26 February 2011

3rd draft contets page

2nd draft contents page

2nd lot of photos for contents page

Date and time.
26th February
Image Description
Boy Band
Shot location
Village Counrtyside
Plan of shots
Sat/ stood on wall

Photos for contents page


Date and time.
26th February
Image Description
Solo indie-pop artist
Shot location
Village Counrtyside
Plan of shots
^^^photos above^^^

Friday 18 February 2011

First draft content pages

This idea is similar to Q Magazines content pages because the listed contents are put of both sides of the page with the pictures in the middle.

The main larger image would proberbly be of 'Emma' with a picture of her new CD in one of the corners.

I prefer this idea so will proberbly use it.

I like the collage of picures and breif information on the right of this idea.

I don't like this idea as much as the other one but might include some of its features like the collage in the first idea.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

More articles I like

With Mojos content page I like the fact that it seems quite simple and neat so that its easier to read and get the infortmation the you want.

I also like the picture collage on the left side giving an overview of what to expect inside the magazine and to tell you what page that article is on.

I like NME's band index on the left as it gives a clear list of whats on each page of the magazine.

They also use sub headings n the right for readers different intrests which I think is good because some fans may want to look straight at the reviews making it easier and quicker for them to access.

Monday 14 February 2011

An Article I like

I like this contents page because the colour scheme is similar to mine, the layout I also like because of the way the writting is listed down the sides and the pictures are put mainly in the middle like a scrapbook.