Monday 31 January 2011

5th draft

4th draft

Monday 3 January 2011

2nd draft of article

First ideas for article

 I like the masthead for this idea but the picture doesnt really fit in with it.

I have chosen this idea to use as my article layout because the masthead and the image fit well together. The masthead was also the most popular choice.

I think this idea is a bit too girly for a magazine mainly aimed at boys

Masthead ideas

1.       “I’m not always this loud”   111
2.       The wild child      1
3.       “This is just the way I am and nobody will change me”
4.       “I’m here to stay”    111
5.       “YouTube was just a bit of fun- I never thought I’d become famous”   1
6.       Move over Ellie Goulding- Emma’s here to stay     111
7.       “Sleep all day party all night”     111111
8.       “If someone doesn’t like me- I really don’t care”   11
9.       “I am the only one of my kind”    1
10.   Inspired by _______- Emma plans to take over the music industry

I asked ten people to vote for their two favourite mastheads for my article (1= one vote)
"Sleep all day, party all night" won with 6 votes