Monday 13 December 2010

Articles that I like

I like this first article because it suits my magzine as the article is about a female soloist. I also like the way the main image and the masthead overlap both pages and are bothe quite large and stand out.

This article has the same colour scheme as my magazine.

Monday 6 December 2010

3rd draft

I have now included my main image which represents an indie-pop artist. I also added a banner line to attract the readers attention and to give them an insight to whats in the magazine.

Subsidairy Images

 Paparazzi type shot of a band member being caught walking somewhere not wanting publicity of his latest decision to leave his band

Thursday 2 December 2010

2nd draft of magazine cover

I have now added the colour scheme from my questionnaire results to the layout and chnaged the fonts and sizes of the words. The masthead is going to be bold red with a thick font so that it stands out although it will be more eye catching if it has a white edge on each letter.

1st rough draft using adobe indesign

This is my first basic layout of my music magazine the gap in the top right corner below the masthead is where the model of my image face will be with with the artists name 'Emma' below it with info about what the article inside is about.